

The following weeks you will get a taste of the work of the master of all masters - William Shakespeare! 

You'll be working in groups, interpreting and presenting a famous play each.

Detailed instructions here.

William Shakespeare - The Life of the Bard #bio

William Shakespeare - Mini Biography #bio


Game production - year 8

You have tried programming your own games with Skratch, great wasn't it?

Now, let's try a slightly different approach, it's a lot easier than programming but it's still game production. I want you to go to Gamestar Mechanic and get an account.
To become a Mechanic you need to do the quests, from them you get skills and the components you need.

It's important to read each instruction carefully!

And then I want you to evaluate and write a post on your blog; What are the pro's and con's of using games and game programs in school education? Are there good/bad games? Games for different school subjects? Do you have examples? Is it equal for all students? 

Stretch yourselves this time and make a post you have really thought about, worked through and spell checked. And linking is nice - link to a source of sorts (facts, opinions, games, learning sites etc)



  1. Gå till http://scratch.mit.edu/studios/290037/ och klicka på länken ”Följ” uppe till höger. Detta är klassens galleri och här lägger du till din produktion när den är färdig.
  2. Ta del av några olika exempel på produktioner av olika slag (berättelser, spel etc) som är skapade med Scratch. (Klicka på knappen Utforska)
  3. Välj en av de produktioner du tittat på som du tycker är särskilt intressant och lämna en kommentar i klassens Scratch-galleri där du kortfattat beskriver varför produktionen fångat ditt intresse.
  4. Gör gärna en tutorial först.
  5. Öppna Scratch editor och skapa en enklare produktion, det kan vara en digital berättelse eller varför inte ett litet interaktivt spel? Ta inspiration av de olika exempel/övningar du tittat på. Produktionen ska vara levande (innehålla rörelse) och innehålla ljud och bild (kan även vara egenproducerat). Försök gärna få den interaktiv, d.v.s. att den som kör produktionen på något sätt behöver vara aktiv genom att klicka nånstans, skriva nåt etc.
  6. Produktionen laddar du därefter upp till kursens egna Scratch-studio (CH teknikstudio)
  7. Skriv ett blogginlägg om din programmeringsupplevelse; vad gick bra, vad gick mindre bra, är det här intressant att hålla på med eller rena döden :)
  8. Välj en av dina klasskamraters Scratch-produktion, klicka på knappen "Se inuti" och prova därefter att remixa denna. När du är färdig publicerar du din remix i klassens Scratch-studio (CH Teknikstudio).
  9. Skriv ett blogginlägg om arbetet med remixen och vad du lärt dig av att titta på någon annans produktion.

Extra tips:


English presentations - year 8

Today we had presentations about USA in class 8B and what a wonderful experience that was!
Well prepared students with interesting topics and the fluncy in this group is amazing!!! On a scale from 1-5 I rated all students 4 or 5. A sheer joy to enjoy and today I'm a very, very proud old teacher.

And one can only bow to the geniousness of serving the audience marshmallows-covered cupcakes to represent the junk-food consumption of Florida...


Shakespeare - year 9

The following weeks you will get a taste of the work of the master of all masters - William Shakespeare! 

Check your page for more info.


9 B - Holes by Louis Sachar

The following weeks we are going to work with the book Holes in year 9. Make sure you read the assigned chapters prior to each lesson.

Week 41 - chapters 1-17
Week 42 - chapters 18-35
Week 43 - chapters 36-50. Homework: see the film before week 45
Week 44 - autumn holiday
Week 45 - Writing assignment (Lesson 4 in the Google doc you have)


Essay writing - 9 B

Finalizing your essays and turning them into books. You will get your passwords and full instructions from me on Monday week 39, for task content check your planning tab.


The other Hollywood - 8B

Work in pairs, there are now two of you.

- Look up the meaning of the following words:
limousines, homelessness, abuse, escape, glamorous, lifestyle, thieves, steal, prison, studio, HIV positive, in care.

- Try to predict the content of the article you are going to read from the above words. Talk about your predictions.

- Brainstorm as many different possibilities as you can to the questions below:
Why do teenagers run away from home?
Why do young people go to Hollywood?

Compare your answers with another group. There are now four of you - keep that group!

- Read the article. Keep your predictions in mind as you read the article and hold a feedback session with the group; Were the points that you made mentioned in the article?

- Answer the comprehension questions orally in your group. (tag 1)

- Do the discussion task in your group. (tag 2)

- Write on the whiteboard (tag 3)

- Individual writing assignment (tag 4)


8 B - TV series

Watch the pilot of your chosen series and answer the below questions:

How does the episode start? How does it end? Is there a purpose to that??

Who are the main characters??

What is the main plot??

What genre is the series? ?

Who is the targeted audience??

What kind of surrounding elements does the series have? (Fansite, web page, clothes etc) Is that important??

What makes you want to continue to watch the series? Or don't you?

Write this in a Google document and save it in your English folder in Google Apps

Please do this during the lesson, I don't want to hear from my fellow teachers that you use all your work periods during the next weeks to watch series and claim Helene told you so ;)