
Programming - year 7

V 48
Vi börjar med Gamestar Mechanic
Skaffa en användare och levla från spelare till designer. Vi använder två lektioner till detta för att känna på enklare programmering.
Till exempel ett sånt här spel, testa gärna ;)

v 49-51
Vi kommer sedan att övergå till Scratch som är ren programmering. Detta använder vi fyra lektioner till.

  1. Gå till http://scratch.mit.edu och registrera ett användarkonto
  2. Gå till http://scratch.mit.edu/studios/604646/ och klicka på länken ”Följ” uppe till höger. Detta är klassens galleri och här lägger du till din produktion när den är färdig.
  3. Börja nu att bekanta dig med programmet. Det gör du genom att gå till http://scratch.mit.edu/help/ Börja med Kom-igång-videon och Prova steg-för-steg introduktionen. 1.JPG

    Du kan se också titta på Kom igång Guiden och i Videohandledningarna.

    Du ska därefter ta del av några olika exempel på produktioner av olika slag (berättelser, spel etc) som är skapade med Scratch. För att komma till alla projekt klickar du på knappen Utforska.  3.JPG
  4. Välj en av de produktioner du tittat på som du tycker är särskilt intressant och lämna en kommentar i klassens Scratch-galleri där du kortfattat beskriver varför produktionen fångat ditt intresse.
  5. Öppna Scratch editor 4.JPGoch skapa en enklare produktion, det kan vara en digital berättelse eller varför inte ett litet interaktivt spel? Ta inspiration av de olika exempel/övningar du tittat på. Produktionen ska vara levande (innehålla rörelse) och innehålla ljud och bild (kan även vara egenproducerat). Försök gärna få den interaktiv, d.v.s. att den som kör produktionen på något sätt behöver vara aktiv genom att klicka nånstans, skriva nåt etc.
  6. Produktionen laddar du därefter upp till kursens egna Scratch-studio (CH teknikstudio)
  7. Skriv en kommentar om din programmeringsupplevelse; vad gick bra, vad gick mindre bra, är det här intressant att hålla på med eller rena döden :)
  8. Välj en av dina klasskamraters Scratch-produktion, klicka på knappen "Se inuti" och prova därefter att remixa denna. När du är färdig publicerar du din remix i klassens Scratch-studio (CH Teknikstudio).
  9. Skriv en kommentar om arbetet med remixen och vad du lärt dig av att titta på någon annans produktion.


Book work - year 9

Time for Holes by Louis Sachar. Make sure you borrow it from the school library after the autumn holiday. If the books aren't there, try persuasion or mild violence to get the other year 9 to give up their overdue books.

Friday w 45 - chapter 1-25

Friday w 47 - chapter 26-50 and a test on the book. The test will be in your mailbox ;)

Friday w 49 - compare the book and the film

I have questions to all chapters in the book - they are for discussion, not for writing! You find them here.

As homework I want you to watch the film, you can find it here.


What if - åk 7

Week 45 
Monday - Write your story, watchTracy Beaker if you want to
Thursday - Process work, watch Tracy Beaker if you want to
Week 46
Monday - teacher planning, no lesson
Thursday - Theme week
Week 47
Monday - Write and publish your Storybird. Watch Tracy Beaker if you want to
Thursday - ReadTheory Watch Tracy Beaker if you want to

Pick a subject from the theme What if... (or make up your own what if-sentence if you think that my sentences suck).
Write at least a page on your subject. (Use a google document and start it in your English folder.)
Proof-read and process it properly (spelling program + input from at least two class mates).
Publish your story as a Storybird. 
What if...
you ended up on a deserted island
you were bullied
there were witches or vampires
you ran away from home
humans had to walk on all fours
we were only allowed 5 liters of water per day
you moved to Africa
all people were honest and kind
the dinosaurs returned
you had a million dollars to improve your school
animals could speak
time travel was possible
we all became invisible
you were the richest person in the world
you lived during the stone age
everyone turned blind
you became a world famous celebrity
you met a ghost
the earth was flat
you could become as small as a mouse
we could live forever


Drama time in year 9

Skits and Sketches

Some of you will cheer and some of you will dred it but drama time it is! 

In groups I want you to:
Produce, practice and perform an English skit, sketch or play that is about 15 minutes long
Use props and perhaps even backdrops :)
Record it 
Add subtitles 
Add a fancy title page 

You can of course write the whole darn thing yourselves but you don't have to. You can pick one up on the page below and adapt it to your wishes or just rip it straight off.

Time at your disposal:

Friday w 42 English lesson
                                         Monday w 43 Swedish lesson
                                         Tuesday w 43 Swedish lesson
                                   Friday w 43 English lesson

Put your finished work in Google Drive, on YouTube or wherever and link it in the work section here (Lämna in arbeten-fliken). Yes, you will ALL need to link the work, I have to grade you all so it's no more than fair!

(You are scheduled to read the book Holes by Louie Sachar after the autumn holiday. Chapters 1-25 plus discussions on Friday w 45 and chapters 26-50 plus a test on the book (!!) Friday w 46. If all logistics fail in your group you could use the lesson w 45 to finish your recording - I can't say I mind much ;) - you will still do the test on the book w 46. I want to have a test and feel like I have important subjects too!)


w 42 - year 7

Week 42

Monday: Watch an episode of Tracy Beaker 

Do the preparation, watch the film clip, do Check your understanding, then answer the Discussion question and publish it. Your comment must be minimum 100 words!

Thursday: Watch an episode of Tracy Beaker
                Mobile phones.

Read the text, do both Check your understanding and do Check your grammar. Answer the discussion question and publish it (you can write a short answer here). Then I want you to start a Google document in your English folder, name it Mobile Phones and I want you to write at least 300 words on the use of mobile phones. Think: Areas of use? What's good? What's bad? Use at home? Use in school? 


Week 41 - year 7

Week 41 reading and listening

Monday: Watch an episode of Tracy Beaker 
              Work with reading comprehension on Readtheory.com

Thursday: Watch an episode of Tracy Beaker
                The fault in our stars 
                You need to register on the site. 
                Use either your first name (example: Helene E) or your
                school computer name (example: heleri) so that I can
                follow your progress.
                Do the following exercises:
                Watch the film clip
                Check your understanding
                Check your vocabulary
                Discussion - write a proper comment and publish.


English plays - year 7

Planning for Project Plays:

Thursday 11/9 - 
Read through your play.
Decide which one plays which character.Do comprehension check - individually or as a group.
Practice the play.

Monday 15/9 - 
What happens next.
Practice the play.

Thursday 18/9 -
Language practice worksheet 1
 Language practice worksheet 2
 Practice the play.

Monday 22/9 - 
Record your plays using the iPads. Save your finished film to Google Drive. Put it in your English folders.

Thursday 25/9 -
Edit your plays using Windows Movie Maker - add title, music, subtitles or whatever you need to finish off your projects.

Monday 29/9 -
We watch the plays together.


7B - listening exercise

The link to the listening exercise is here.

Writing assignment after the listening is right here.



Welcome to a new school year!

The link to the listening exercise is here:


9 B

Murder files Play episode one and try to figure out who did it and why. 
E-mail me the answer.
Practise compendium
Practise compendium (no teacher)
The night the bed fell
The night the bed fell

8 B

Practise compendium
Practise compendium
Murder files Play episode one and try to figure out who did it and why. 
E-mail me the answer.


8B - Violence in school

Föreställningen heter Pang, pang du är död! och spelas tisdag 25/3 och onsdag 26/3 kl 19.00 i Studion, Folkets Hus.
Violence in school - A writing assignment

Read the following questions and use them as a starting point for your essay on violence in school. Make sure that your personal thoughts and opinions are visible in the text.

What are the reasons behind a school massacre? Are there simple answers, like; Public opinion and laws about weapon? Computer games? Drugs? General frustration among teenagers? Or is it more complicated?

Why haven’t we experienced these events in Sweden? Why have they in Finland?

How is the mental health of teenagers in general today? In Umea, in Sweden, globally?

Is it possible to prevent these school massacres from ever happening again?

What kind of violence DO we have here? Physical? Mental? Why is that, do you think?

Excerpt from Bowling for Columbine:

Use this lesson and the lesson next week to complete the essay and remember:
You HAVE TO run the text through SpellRight! (Copy the text, paste it in a Word document and click the tab Oribi. And don’t forget to copy+paste it back in the Google doc when edited.)


9B - Tutorials

I don't have to explain to you what a tutorial is, do I? Most people have seen loads of them in all kinds of situations; you can learn to change the chain on your bike, to draw the perfect eyeliner line, to master quests in computer games, to solve difficult math problems, to tie a fancy knot, you name it!

But making a tutorial is a different matter... You need to have total understanding of the subject you want to share with others, you have to be very thorough in your explanations and you must create an instruction that is clear and obvious and possible to follow for the viewer.

But no challenge is too big for you guys, right? Right!

So; I want you to make a video tutorial, teaching other people something you are really good at. You need to figure out what you're good at first ;), then make a clear script to follow and lastly record it and publish it and link it on your blog.

We'll go through MoveNote - which is a very simple video program, but if you choose another program or platform to work in, that is fine by me!

You will work with this on Monday week 13 and Monday 14. On Monday week 15 we will spend the lesson watching the tutorials, so make sure you have checked the technique before that. (Connect your computer to the Smartboard and make sure you get both image and sound working!)


8B - Thursday March 12

We will continue the reading comprehension at ReadTheory.org from the previous post. I sincerely hope you remember your password - since I told you to write it up in a Google document on your Drive... ;)

Your teacher will have all passwords if you by chance lost yours.


Reading comprehension - 8B

We will now start a reading comprehension period in English, and the material will be very individualized since many of you are on different levels. 
We will be using the website ReadTheory.org and you will get username and password from me. 
When you log in, the first thing you do is a placement test to assign you to the correct level - do the placement test quietly, on your own without asking questions or googling the answers, otherwise you won't get the exercises adapted for your development! And that would just be plain silly ;). 

So, why is reading important then?

10 benefits of reading

1. People who read often and widely get better at it. This is pretty much just common sense.
After all, practice makes perfect in almost everything we humans do and reading is no different from anything else. 

2. Reading exercises our brains.
Reading is a much more complex task for the human brain than, say, watching TV is. Reading strengthens brain connections and actually builds new connections.

3. Reading improves concentration. Again, this is a bit of a no-brainer.
You have to sit still and quietly so you can focus on the story when you’re
reading. If you read regularly, you develop the ability to do this for longer periods.

4. Reading teaches people about the world around them.
Through reading, you learn about people, places and events outside your own experience. You are exposed to ways of life, ideas and beliefs about the world which may be different from those which surround you.
This learning is important for its own sake however it also builds a store of background knowledge which helps you learn to read confidently and well. 

5. Reading improves your vocabulary and leads to more highly-developed language skills.
This is because you learn new words as you read but also because you unconsciously absorb information as you read about things like how to structure sentences and how to use words and language effectively. 

6. Reading develops your imagination.
This is because when we read our brains translate the descriptions we read of people, places and things into pictures. When we’re engaged in a story, we’re also imagining how the characters are feeling. We use our own experiences to imagine how we would feel in the same situation. 

7. Reading helps you develop empathy.
This is something that might seem awkward but it makes sense. As my daughter said to me when we were discussing it, ‘Of course it does because you’re identifying with the character in the story so you’re feeling what he’s feeling.’ 
8. People who read do better at school.
And they don’t just do better at subjects like reading, English and History.
They do better at all subjects and they do better all the way through school. 

9. Reading is a great form of entertainment!

A paperback book or an e-reader on your smartphone doesn’t take up much space so you can take it anywhere and you’ll never be lonely or bored if you have a book in your bag. 
You can read while waiting in a queue, while waiting for a friend who’s running late or during recess.

10. Reading relaxes the body and calms the mind.
This is an important point because these days we seem to have forgotten how to relax and especially how to be silent.
The constant movement, flashing lights and noise which bombard our senses when we’re watching TV, looking at a computer or playing an electronic game are actually quite stressful for our brains.
When we read, we read in silence and the black print on a white page is much less stressful for our eyes and brains. 


Business Project - year 9

The scenario is that you have come up with an idea for a new business and you are now trying to establish it within the local community. You need to complete a number of tasks over the next few weeks. You are to choose suitable software (computer programmes, clips from magazines, information from local agencies for example) and complete these tasks as being the business manager.

􀂉 Describe the idea as thoroughly as you can, including marketing ideas, location, design of shop, what customers you want to reach and how to reach them etc.

􀂉 You wish to start a “shopper´s club” to encourage loyalty among the customers. For every £ 10 a customer spends one loyalty point will be awarded. Design a card for customers who join the scheme.

􀂉 Amend your customer card design to include the business logo.

􀂉 Design a form which the customers will fill in when joining the scheme. The form should record at least the following details: name of customer; address; membership number and telephone number.

􀂉 Create a letter to future customers (using the writingframe is optional). Include a paragraph introducing the loyalty card scheme to the customers. Also amend your letter to include details of this month´s special offer at the store. Make sure you put a personal touch to it and that you can catch the interest of the reader.

􀂉 Design a commercial to be sent out to your potential customers. Remember the importance of slogans, colours and catching images.

􀂉 Remember to work through your business idea as thoroughly as possible. Try to think of different angles to make it a success. And above all; try to give it a “real touch”. Feel free to use a computer, crayons, pictures and coloured paper to create a brilliant business scheme.

Hand in your finished work no later than February 28th .

Grade criteria

Check list

Check ( √ ) the tasks as you complete them. That way you´ll have total control over your work process.

􀂉 Complete description of the business idea (minimum 600 words)
􀂉 Design a customer card including logo. The card must be in full colour and laminated.
􀂉 Letter to customers about “customers’ club”, including “offer of the month” – you can use the writing frame (1 page)
􀂉 Form to get a customer card (1 page)
􀂉 Create an advertising paper to send out to people in your town, marketing your new business (1 page)

Total: at least 4 pages + the customer card

Your presentation is supposed to be as thorough and appetizing as possible. And besides being a winning concept it must also be imaginative and creative. I will grade the overall impression of the work, layout, pictures, how thorough you have been and of course your work effort during the lessons.

Your logotype should be found on the customer card and on all the papers you write in English throughout the project.

The commercial leaflet must contain the logotype, a nice layout, pictures (create own, copy from the Internet or cut out from magazines) and the text must be in English.

A nice touch is to make a perspective picture of your business/store (or a part of it) or a blueprint.

Don’t forget to produce a luscious and convincing front page including your name and class, company name and logotype.


Short story - year 8

Short story

You are going to write a short story about someone’s life in or around Auschwitz.

You can write from a prisoner’s perspective (man, woman or child), a guard’s perspective or anyone living close to the camp.

I want you to use facts mixed with fiction, make sure you research properly so that names, environment, technique etc are adequate for that time.

Process work next lesson.


World War II - year 8

Since you are currently working with World War II in social science I figured we might as well do some reading comprehension activities in English connected to the subject.

BBC has an interactive map of Auschwitz with all the information you need to answer the questions below. Check your language, write proper sentences and remember that all five skills in English are applicable on this task. (You can find the skills under the tab Kursplan eng.)

Link to the interactive map here.

Write your answers to the questions below in a Google doc and save it in your English folder on Google Drive.

What did the” Einsatzgruppen” do and why was it taken away?

What were the Ghettos and what purpose did they serve?

How did the Nazis drive the Jews out of Germany?

What was the”Final solution to the Jewish question” and how did they do it?

Name a few other groups of people who also were imprisoned and murdered by the Nazis?

Why were the first concentration camps important for the war industries?

Why was the European railway system important in the Nazis’ extermination progress?

Describe Auschwitz and the terrifying acts that took place there.