
Writing task

Assessing a digital learning site

On this learning site, you can practice your language skills in a variety of ways. I want you to browse the site and see what it has to offer. Decide on some topics and exercises and try them out. Lastly, you evaluate the quality of the site. You can work alone or in pairs.

Lesson 1 - testing the learning site

Test at least one from each of the skills under the button SKILLS (reading, writing, listening, speaking)
Test at least two exercises under the button GRAMMAR & VOCABULARY
Test at least one exercise under the button EXAMS
Test at least two exercises under the button UK NOW
Test at least one from each under the button STUDY BREAK (video zone, games, photo caption, what is it, easy reading)
Test at least three exercises under the button MAGAZINE

Testing an exercise means completing it, not just browsing. If it says you can comment but you need to register to comment, you must register and actually leave a comment. If there are questions to answer you answer all those questions.

Use the whole lesson to work on and test the learning site. You can, of course, visit another learning site of choice as well and use it for comparison in your evaluation.

Lesson 2 - evaluation of the learning site

Work individually or in pairs, according to how you worked the previous lesson.

This lesson you will evaluate the site and the exercises you tried. What was good, what was not so good, what did you like, what didn’t you like, how hard/easy was it, what did you learn, was something funny, did something go terribly wrong etc.

Make a presentation to show to your class.

Make sure you specify what exercises you tried with clear headlines and links and your finished work must contain at least 5 images/screenshots from the learning site/sites.
Lesson 3 - presenting your work

Show your presentation and tell the class about your conclusions - either orally in front of the class or record yourself talking and incorporate it into the presentation.


Jag kommer att bedöma:
  • Hur du förstår och tolkar innehållet i talad engelska och i olika texter
  • Hur du uttrycker dig när du pratar och skriver
  • Hur du väljer och använder metoder för att förstå och bli förstådd
  • Hur du anpassar ditt språk till de som lyssnar
  • Om du processarbetat och förberett din presentation
  • Hur du kan reflektera över ditt eget och andras lärande


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